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Do you live with companion animals?

If so, the day will surely come as they get older when you begin to wonder if they are ready to leave and cross over the Rainbow Bridge.

Are they in pain, struggling to eat or drink or walk?Knowing that you can ‘play God’ by deciding when to take them to the vet to be euthanised does not help that much when you are worried you are either keeping them around because you can’t bear to not have them or want to make sure that you are not sending them off to the Bridge before they are ready to go.

Stuff Busters can help.

I am not a vet - so we are not dealing with physical ailments here. Your vet will tell you that Fluffy and or Rover have XXX and their time is very limited but often Fluffy and or Rover have a different idea of when they are ready to leave you.

Do they want to do this by themselves? Do they want some help from the vet? Do they have any thoughts on a last meal? Do they want to be cremated or buried if there is an option?

Where would they like their remains to be? Any specific places in the garden, specific items to be buried with them… they will certainly have their own ideas here.

I have had (animal) clients that have wanted to experience leaving their current life by themselves (not that easy for their ‘parents’ to watch).

Others are happy to have the vet come out and help them leave via an injection.Others say they do not want to leave because their ‘parents’ will not do well without them.

Obviously we don’t want our animals to ‘hang on’ when they are in pain or are in the last throes of a terminal illness just because they feel it is their duty to stay as long as possible.

Having more insight into this can also help any other companion animals you have - does your cat want to pay her last respects to her canine friend or vice versa.

If you would find this kind of information helpful when that time of your companion animal’s life arrives, then please contact me with as much relevant information as you think fit.

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