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Tapping for animals

EFT and Matrix Reimprinting are not ‘just’ for humans. They are also extremely helpful for animals – from our companion animals (cats, dogs, rabbits etc.) to larger animals such as horses – even animals we do not know personally, such as whales.


The most effective way I have found to use EFT and Matrix Reimprinting for animals is using it surrogately. That means you tap on yourself for your animal or the one you wish to help.


I have had many wonderful success stories when I have done surrogate work on animals. Listed below are just a sample of the success stories.


Absolutely incredible that after the talk with Maureen, Maisie has returned back to normal.


I really do appreciate all the work you have done on the kitties. B is much calmer, M is not fighting with the other two and other M also seems very relaxed and is not fighting his brother.


Just a quick update. I’ve just called the vet – I spoke to the receptionist. Wonderful news! … apparently Mazzi is lying there, stretched out with a blanket over him, allowing them to stroke him, no hissing, no growling, no swiping out … she said she couldn’t believe it. She even asked the vet if he had been sedated! Thank you … I hope by clearing this “old energy”, he can now start healing himself so he can come home.


Cody’s tail is much better now. Healing time was much reduced from other times and I didn’t have to use any medication! Thank You!


Bunny is looking better again! I just went out to give her last daily dose of homeopathics – before I went out I wrote to my friends telling them not to worry and shared what you had received from Melody about her feeling better when everyone expected the best – I knew I had more work to do there too, and I felt a big shift in myself back to seeing her how I know her to be normally, like a heart shift, and I felt her respond straight away, when I went out she was so much happier, like her old self and I was like my usual self too. it all makes sense to me, of course we heal much better when we feel light, joyful and happy, and having everyone around us share that vision and not project makes it so much easier to heal. She is such a light creature energetically anyway so it makes doubly good sense that this is what she needs. I feel so much better too Maureen, I have so much to thank you for, I have a happy and emotional tear in my eye as I type and much heartfelt appreciation and gratitude,


Freddy (not real name) was more relaxed and not straining his eyes to see as of yesterday morning (Sunday). He was more friendly and easy to be around. I hadn’t realized how strained his eyes looked (like someone who usually wears glasses with a heavy prescription who isn’t wearing them at the moment). It had happened so gradually. This morning when I was out in the pasture with everyone he was so calm and affectionate.You have already made a significant difference. Thanks! Freddy continues to soften and feel better. He looks years younger and isn’t flinching when I touch him, nor is he stepping away when I walk toward him. Before, he would let me touch him but he kind of made me work for it too. He looks like a healthier, happier guy. Blessings on you!!!! I just can’t thank you enough for the amazing work you are doing with him. He’s such a love.


Praise the Lord! and praise again for sending you our way Maureen….
what a difference it made knowing you were there, even if it seems so far away, but not really, we’re indeed very close…

She is better and the timing is right: I felt you working with us, I saw the tears, it was 2 a.m. here. We had a long night… Since yesterday she started to pee freely as you described, clear, beautiful bright yellow. And she responded every time I took her to the litter box. Today she is doing it on her own. What a relief!


Just to let you know that Griffin (not real name) is doing pretty well. He seems much happier now, which is the most important thing, and is also snuggling up with his brother more.


All is great, Pauli is very cute and not obnoxious any more… he is his headstrong and funny self again. Thank you!!!


Thanks so much for the work you’re doing with the ‘kids’, and especially Bob, in his time of need…. again, synchronicities abound in my life….

When he did let me pet him in the past, I often felt he was sad and in need of comfort, tho I couldn’t comfort him really. Now it feels more like plain cat-enjoyment of the attention! Thanks so much.


Hi Maureen Thank you so much. I am devastated that I had to put Snoopy to sleep this weekend, but I believe that thanks to our communication, she knew I loved her and that I would be ok, her spiral over the last few days was significant.


Even my husband, who doesn’t really believe intuitively in all this energy stuff, can see a huge difference in the dogs!


S is doing so well! He ate earlier this morning and is eating again right now (two different cat foods today). So, all is well here. Such a contrast from two weeks ago today, when S spent the day at the vets. He is so much better. Thank you so much!


I have definitely seen a slight change in H’s behaviour. She is calmer! She is also more playful. I do feel a more positive energy around the house. Keep me updated and let me know what else I could do to help. My husband and I are changing our thoughts (to be more positive).


Thanks so much for this. She’s definitely healing well as she’s walking/hop-limping around more easily whereas previously she barely moved. And she’s eating, drinking and purring which is a great sign!! So good to know that she’s feeling lighter after releasing that guilt and anger :).
You’re the best, speak soon


Bob (the dog) is lying stretched out in his office bed next to me fast asleep, ha ha! But he is happy and I am sure he has been giving me special looks since your chat! Will keep in touch, thanks again Maureen.


Thanks so much for all the help.  The fights have ceased and they are all getting along so much better.  Peace in the home!


Thank you, Maureen. I can't tell you how much your support means to me. If it weren't for you he would have left us in November 2015 (comment dated March 2017)


I had a check up yesterday and my blood pressure was normal. Yay!

Mommy and that pretty doctor lady think it’s because they scheduled my appointment in the afternoon rather than first thing in the morning and they took me back to take my blood pressure as soon as we got there instead of making me wait. You and I know differently – it’s because I’m so strong and powerful and healthy!


There were times I was afraid to believe you about Ginger. The veterinarian did not believe himself she would make it. I think he said she might only live for a month or she could go anytime. I did tell her I wanted what was best for her and that was OK if she felt it was time to go home. She proved to be strong willed as you described… Five months later she is settled with me here in Canada and doing well. God bless you Maureen and thank you again for your help and support.


I am so thankful for your ability to speak to Boomer and Amber.  I'm hoping Amber will be with me for a bit longer.  She seems to be doing better although I understand she is a very senior cat.  Thank you again for your help and tapping and bringing peace back into my life. xoxo


EFT has helped me deal with abandonment issues I have kept inside since a kitten.

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