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What do we do?

 More exactly, what precisely is Stuff Busters?

We can help you change your life for the better. In all ways, in a particular area of your life. You decide. If you are not 100% happy with the way your life is at the moment, then call on us for help.


We use a drug-free scientific approach that is suitable for anyone – no matter what their spiritual and or religious views are. There is no mumbo jumbo stuff here – everything we do is based on scientifically-proven models using practical, easy-to-use techniques that consistently work and deliver results.


You can check on the site to see the list of issues that meridian tapping (also known as EFT – Emotional Freedom Techniques) can help with. This list is not exclusive… or exhaustive – basically meridian tapping can help with anything. Its inventor, Gary Craig – a Stanford engineer – has always said ‘try it on everything’. We also use Matrix Reimprinting, a quantum leap along the healing path. MR’s creator, Karl Dawson, has opened up even faster avenues of healing, still using meridian tapping but with even more benefits. I have trained personally with Karl and I am seeing fantastic results using this technique.


And we here at Stuff Busters have done a lot of that – from caring for your plants to cancer, from fear of public speaking to fear of flying, from weight issues to working on improving your golf score. You name it, we can help you with it! And in a shorter time frame than most traditional therapies. We don’t want to see you month after month after month – most of our clients see significant improvements in one or two sessions.


And to make it even easier, we can also do this over the phone or using Skype! So you don’t even need to be in the same country for us to be able to help you help yourself!


Any questions? Contact us now so we can help you begin to experience the life you deserve!

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